Intro to Embroidery
Date: February 22nd, 2025
Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Cost: $95.00
Please note: a $35 kit fee is due to the instructor on the day of the class.
Instructor: Mary N.
Learn all about best practices for embroidery including: threads, needles, stabilizers,
proper hooping methods, registration, troubleshooting common embroidery issues,
loading and editing designs on your machine, digitizing principles, embroidery stitch
types, applique techniques, floating fabrics, and ITH (in-the-hoop) projects. We will
make 3 projects in class: napkin, tote bag, and key fob. (*This course includes a kit for
all 3 projects.)
This class is geared towards Brother machines; other machines are welcome, but make
sure to bring your user manual.
***You need to know the basics on how to operate your machine for embroidery such as
turning on your machine, threading the machine, winding & loading bobbin. This class
will teach embroidery theory and techniques NOT how to fully operate your machine.***
If you want to learn how to operate your embroidery machine, please take this class:
“Learning your Brother Embroidery Machine”
***Please make sure your embroidery machine has been updated with the latest
software before coming to class. Remember to bring your manual. ***
Preferred hoop size: 5”x7” or larger (4” x 4” hoops welcome, projects are smaller)
Supply List:
USB Stick (512 MB or 1GB; larger memory USB sticks do not work well with some
machines, smaller is better)
Fabric Scissors
505 or KK100 Temporary Fabric Spray Adhesive
75/11 needles
White– 60 wt bobbin thread
40 wt embroidery threads:
Gold or Silver Metallic thread
*Please feel free to bring more colors if you want to swap colors in the design.
1 yd Tear Away Stabilizer